Albanian newspapers and news sites


Panorama News is one of the best-selling newspapers in Albania.

Gazeta Shqiptare

Gazeta Shqiptare is the oldest independent Albanian language newspaper published in Albania.

Koha Jone

Koha Jonë is a newspaper published in Albania. The paper is a politically unaffiliated daily newspaper based in Tirana.


TemA is a politically unaffiliated daily newspaper published in Tirana, Albania in the Albanian language. Founded in July 1999, TemA is one of the oldest daily newspapers in Albania and currently sells about 15,000 daily copies nationwide.

Gazeta Express

Gazeta Express is a newsportal owned by MediaWorks in the Republic of Kosovo. A new media company founded in 2005 by a group of senior editors and journalists with financing from IPKO, Kosovo’s leading private telecommunications company.

Shqiptarja është website më profesional dhe i pavarur me lajme nga Shqipëria dhe Ballkani.


Gazeta Mapo. News & Media Website. Gazeta DITA. Media/News Company. Gazeta Telegraf. Media/News Company. Gazeta Panorama Online.

Gazeta Sot

Gazeta SOT is a daily newspaper published in Albania.


Shekulli is a daily newspaper published in Albania. The paper is owned by the media group UNIPRESS sh.p.k Its headquarters is located in Tirana, Albania.

Albanian Radio and TV (RTSh)

 RTSH is the Albanian Public Broadcaster, which controls several TV and Radio outlets. Its foundation dates back to The Kingdom of Albania


Gazeta Shqip is a newspaper published in Albania and part of Top Media Group together with Top Albania Radio, Top Gold Radio, part of pay TV platform Digitalb, Top News, VGA Studio, My Music Radio, and musical. Gazeta Shqip, one of the previous media in Albania, has a success story in its journey.

Albanian newspaper owned by Top Channel.

Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA)

The Albanian Telegraphic Agency is the official news entity of the Albanian government. It publishes news in the following languages: Albanian, English and French.

Rilindja Demokratike (RD)

Rilindja Demokratike is an Albanian newspaper founded and continuously published in Tirana. Rilindja Demokratike is the official newspaper of the Democratic Party of Albania. Its chief editor is Bledi Kasmi.

Standard është një media online, që ka për qëllim informimin e paanshëm duke vënë profesionalizmin në plan të parë.

Albeu is an independent portal, based in Tirana, founded in July, 2003. Due to an updated content minute after minute 24 hours a day

Noa Lajme

NOA Lajme – Agjencia Kombëtare e Lajmeve

360 është një portal që synon të sjellë shumë të vërteta të fshehura dhe të anashkaluara në realitetin shqiptar.

‎Top channel

Top Channel is a national commercial television station based in Tirana, Albania, founded by businessman Dritan Hoxha in 2001. A part of Top Media Group, in January 2008 Top Channel was awarded national frequency coverage by making it the third such channel in Albania.

Vizion Plus

Vizion Plus is a national privately owned channel established in 1999 in Tirana, Albania. The channel started as a local station and a few years later began broadcasting all over Albanian territory, covering about 80{2d5c5484674b0339875b3a0391c440679afa883a5e2a5b719b4b3e8e10530925} of audience and with a market share of 30–35{2d5c5484674b0339875b3a0391c440679afa883a5e2a5b719b4b3e8e10530925}.

Ora news

Ora News is a regional and online television news channel based in Tirana, Albania. The news director is Miriam Ndroqi. The Albanian Media Monitoring Board evaluated Ora News as the most balanced news presenter of the parliamentary elections in June 2009 and again in May 2011 for the local elections.

Konflikti me Bullgarinë, Zaev: Synojmë marrëdhënie të mira! Duhet të tregoheshin më të zgjuar, vëllazëri në vend të konfliktit

Gazeta Blic‎

GazetaBlic – Lajmi i fundit, Kosove, Rajon, Bote

News bomb është agjencia informative e lajmeve më të fundit nga politika, aktualiteti, rajoni e bota.

Lajmi Fundit‎

Lajmi i fundit – Sjellim lajmet e fundit nga Shqiperia në kohë

‎Tirana Post

TiranaPost merr pjesë në programe të ndryshme marketingu ku mund të përfitojë komisione për produktet e zgjedhura në artikujt e publikuar.

‎City News

CNA.AL | City News Albania

Epoka e re

Epoka e Re is a Kosovar daily newspaper published in the Albanian language in Kosovo’s capital Pristina since 1999. It is speculated that Epoka e Re is connected to Kosovo’s largest political party, the Democratic Party of Kosovo; however the newspaper is often critical of PDK, too.

Tirana Observer

Tirana Observer is an Albanian language newspaper published in Tirana, Albania. Tirana Observer is a politically unaffiliated daily newspaper.

TV Klan

TV Klan is a private television channel with national coverage based in Tirana, Albania.‎ përfaqëson një grup gazetarësh të rinj, që synojnë të sjellin lajmin dhe analizën sa më pranë jush.


Faqja e pare e me shume informacione te pergjithshme mbi shqiperine, shtypin e dites etj.

Konica është portali klasik me veshje moderne që ka mbërritur tashmë dhe mungonte për shumë arsye.


LIFESTYLE & KESHILLA. Keshilla Photo of Ata që nuk mund të kontrollojnë veten, përpiqen të kontrollojnë të tjerët.

Sport Ekspres‎

Sport Ekspres is a sports newspaper published in Albania. Initially a sports supplement of the newspaper Koha Jonë, it began publication twice a week as a regular newspaper in September 1995. Its first editor-in-chief was the journalist Fatmir Mëneri, a post he held until 2012.


Shqiptar is an Albanian ethnonym, by which Albanians call themselves. They call their country Shqipëria.

Saranda Web

Saranda Web – Gjithçka nga Saranda. Saranda Web Tourist Information, Saranda Web Info & News, Lajme.TV & video live, Saranda tek ju nepermjet Saranda

Gazeta 55

Gazeta 55 is an Albanian language newspaper published in Tirana, Albania. The newspaper is a politically unaffiliated daily, with nine reporters on staff records. The tabloid’s owner is Fahri Balliu, an Albanian businessman.

Tirana Times

Tirana Times is a weekly newspaper published in English and is headquartered in Tirana, Albania.

24 ore lajme

24 hrs news source in Albanian-language.


Vetëvendosje is a progressive, social-democratic, Albanian nationalist political party in Kosovo. It is the largest political party in Kosovo. Vetëvendosje was founded in 2005 as a successor of the Kosova Action Network. The party widely bases its ideology on the works of Ukshin Hoti.

Albanian Daily News (ADN)

The English-language newspaper published since 1995.


Gazeta Kombëtare (English: National Newspaper) was a daily newspaper published in Albania. Its headquarters were located in Tirana.


Gazeta Intervista – Gazeta Intervista

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