List of Haiti Newspapers – Haiti Online News Websites

Full list of Haiti Newspapers and Magazines

Le Nouvelliste

Le Nouvelliste is a French-language daily newspaper printed in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and distributed throughout the country, particularly the capital and 18 of the country’s major cities. The paper was founded in 1898 by Guillaume Chéraquit originally under the name Le Matin, to become Le Nouvelliste 15 months later.

Alter Presse

Haiti Libre‎

Loop Haiti

‎Rezo Nodwes

Juno 7‎

Le National

Haiti Press Network

‎Ici Haiti

Haiti 24

Tout Haiti

Haiti Liberte


Netakole is an online multimedia information platform, which keeps you connected 24 hours a day to national and international news.

Haiti Progrès

Haïti Progrès is a US-based weekly newspaper founded in 1983 that focuses on news concerning Haiti. It is published in Brooklyn, New York, and has offices in Port-au-Prince. Its main edition is in French, but it also publishes in English and Haitian Creole.

Agence Haitienne de Presse

Le Matin

Daily newspaper published in Haiti Pétionville, Haiti.

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