List of Estonian Newspapers – Estonian Online News Sites

Full List of Estonian Newspapers and News Sites


Äripäev is an Estonian financial newspaper in tabloid format. It was founded in 1989 by Dagens Industri, a leading Swedish financial newspaper. The first issue of Äripäev was published on 9 October 1989. Until May 1992 Äripäev was published once a week, until February 1996 three times a week.


Õhtuleht is the largest daily newspaper in Estonia. It is a tabloid newspaper. The newspaper is published in Tallinn in the Estonian language.

Eesti Päevaleht

Eesti Päevaleht is a major daily Estonian newspaper, from the same publishers as the weekly Eesti Ekspress. It has a daily circulation of around 36,000.


Linnaleht is a free independent Estonian daily newspaper.

Eesti Ekspress

Founded in 1989, Eesti Ekspress was the first politically independent newspaper in the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic during the Soviet control of Estonia.

Lääne Elu

Lääne Elu is an Estonian language newspaper based in the city of Haapsalu, Estonia. The paper was started in 1989.

Sakala – Postimees

Postimees is an Estonian daily newspaper established on 1 January 1857, by Johann Voldemar Jannsen. In 1891, it became the first daily newspaper in Estonia. Its current editor-in-chief is Mart Raudsaar. The paper has approximately 250 employees.

Uma Leht

Uma Leht is the only newspaper in the Võro language that is spoken in Southern Estonia. The newspaper is owned by the Foundation Võro Selts VKKF and issued every fortnight.

Delovye Vedomosti

Delovõje Vedomosti is a Russian-language financial newspaper published in Estonia, founded in 1996. Delovõje Vedomosti is a weekly newspaper, which offers mostly content related to the economy, but also covers politics, culture and entertainment. The newspaper’s first issue was released on 27 November 1996.

Kuldne Börs

Nelli Teataja


Maaleht is the biggest weekly newspaper published in Estonia.

Harju Elu

Harju Elu is the official weekly newspaper of Harju County, Estonia.


Kesknädal (Estonian for ‘Midweek’) is a weekly newspaper issued every Wednesday. The paper was started in 1999. It is the organ of the Centre Party, a left-leaning Estonian party. The paper has been criticized for hiring notable Soviet-era journalists such as Ralf R.

Saarte Hääl

Saarte Hääl is a daily newspaper published in Saare County, Estonia.


Postimees is an Estonian daily newspaper established on 1 January 1857, by Johann Voldemar Jannsen. In 1891, it became the first daily newspaper in Estonia. Its current editor-in-chief is Mart Raudsaar. The paper has approximately 250 employees.



Jarva Teataja

Järva Teataja is newspaper published in Paide, Järva County by Postimees Grupp. The newspaper’s editor-in-chief is Tiit Reinberg.

Severnoje Poberezje‎

Virumaa Teataja

Virumaa Teataja is a newspaper published in Rakvere, Estonia.

MK Estoniia‎



Vooremaa is a newspaper published in Estonia. It’s the official newspaper of Jõgeva County.

Hiiu Leht

Baltische Rundschau

The Baltic Rundschau is the largest German-language monthly newspaper in the Baltic States. It has been published in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia since 1994.

Põlva Koit


Krengolmsky Prospekt

Eesti Kirik


Komsomolskaya pravada

Komsomolskaya Pravda is a daily Russian tabloid newspaper, founded on 13 March 1925.



Baltic Times

The Baltic Times is an independent monthly newspaper that covers the latest political, economic, business, and cultural events in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The paper was formed from a merger in 1996 of the Baltic Independent and Baltic Observer.

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